
The Arizona Region Alumni Association is the alumni charter of the organization Phi Theta Kappa International Honors Society. The ARAA was not active for many years and in 2020 alumni members of the Arizona Region have come together to revamp the charter into what it is now, a place for Arizona Region Phi Theta Kappa members to stay with the organization after graduating from their respective colleges and give back to the region with service, fellowship, scholarship and leadership.

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Phi Theta Kappa Alumni
Advisory Board Representative

Christopher Hunt
Term Ends: 4/30/2023

Current Officer Team

President - Jacob Staggs
Alumni Operations Manager - Pamela Mancilla
Alumni Affairs Officer - Nicole Day

Contact Us

Regional Coordinator: Amy MacPherson

Arizona Regional Officers:

?Regional President: Zachariah Knapp
Regional VP, Northern District: Olivia "Liv" Tiwari
Regional VP, Central District: OPEN POSITION
Regional VP, Southern District: Sevasti "Sevi" Silvia
Regional Development Officer: Peniella "Peni" Irakoze
Regional Project Support Officer: Jaymie Lee
Regional Co-Public Information Officer: Aurica "Rikki" Morrison
Regional Co-Public Information Officer: Karen "Ren" Bartunek

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